Motor Vehicle Manslaughter

Facing Vehicular Manslaughter Charges in MA?

A vehicular manslaughter charge is very serious and comes with grave consequences. However, to convict you of this crime, the prosecution has nearly the same standard of proof to meet as a felony charge.

The stakes are high. Penalties for conviction of vehicular manslaughter can include:

  • Mandatory minimum of 5 years in jail
  • Up to 20 years in prison
  • $25,000 in fines
  • A 15-year license loss
  • A lifetime license loss if you have a prior OUI on your record

The consequences for a vehicular manslaughter charge are very serious and only a tough, experienced lawyer can help you.

Practice Areas

Motor Vehicle Homicide
OUI/DUI Defense
Auto Accidents
Motor Vehicle Manslaughter
Motor Vehicle Homicide by Negligent Operation

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